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'That which a substance is capable of causing, it is also capable of curing.'

Hippocrates (460-377 BC), 'Father of Medicine'. 

Natural Herbs


The word “homeo” comes from the Greek “hómoios” – meaning “similar” – and “pathos” – meaning “to suffer.” 

This is oppose to conventional medicine that works on the principal of 'allopathy' - meaning "opposite". 

One example is, if you suffer from hay fever you may have taken antihistamines which oppose the symptoms of watery, itchy eyes, sneezing and runny nose by blocking the histamine in the body which is responsible for the inflammation of the sinuses. The medication may reduce the symptoms in the short term but the effects will wear off and you will still suffer from hay fever. There are often nasty side effects such as drowsiness, headaches and over long-term use these medications can permanently damage the nasal membranes. 

However, a homeopathic way to deal with hay fever symptoms would be to take a diluted form of a substance that would cause sinus inflammation in a healthy person. So if you already have watering eyes and sneezing you can take a substance that causes watery eyes and sneezing - namely onions. A 6c dose of Allium (a homeopathic remedy made from onions) works a treat. You can also take diluted forms of pollen and other allergens to work as a preventative and hopefully in the long term, cure the hay fever. 

Herbs and Minerals

Hahnemann (1755-1843)
Founder of Homeopathy

"Two diseases, differing as a mode but very similar in their manifestations and actions, in the sufferings and symptoms they cause, always and everywhere annihilate one another as soon as they meet in the organism; that is, the stronger disease annihilates the weaker one.” (Hahnemann, 1755-1843 - Founder of Homeopathy). 

What is your body telling you? 

"Homeopathy, without adding or removing anything, brings that which is already present in the body into harmony once again" (Watson, 2024).

There are over 3500 Homeopathic remedies made from naturally occuring substances in our environment (minerals, plants or animals) and the secret is to find the correct remedy for you. We do this by listening to what your body is telling you.

Your symptoms are MATCHED to the correct remedy. Your body is already amazing at healing itself and defends itself all the time against infection and disease. Rather than stopping your body doing the job its programmed to do with pharmaceutical drugs, why not support your body to do what it is already doing? Healing itself! Once you take the homeopathic remedy, it will work with your body's natural healing processes to bring about cure. 

What can Homeopathy Cure? 

Homeopathy can help with all suffering!

Whatever your symptoms (whether you have just developed new symptoms or you have suffered over a long time) and at which ever stage in life, homeopathy can always help. It is safe to use at any age, from newborns to the elderly. It is safe to use during pregnancy and can provide great support at the most stressful times in our lives, giving birth, changing jobs, moving house, doing exams etc. It is used to heal simple ailments such as a bee sting to recurrent stage 4 cancer. It is effective for physical conditions as well as mental and emotional suffering. Conditions which you may have been told are life long diseases with no cure can be helped considerably with homeopathy, bi-polar, AIDS, schizophrenia, fears and phobias, broken bones, sports injuries, colds, coughs, flu, Parkinson's disease, Crohn's disease, IBS, asthma, ezcema, allergies, migraines - you get the point, EVERYTHING! 

Scientist on Tablet
Scientist on Tablet
How does homeopathy work?

To be totally honest with you, exactly HOW homeopathy works is still somewhat of a mystery, and we do not have the scientific instruments YET to observe the exact process that occurs within the body. I understand this will raise scepticism for some and I totally understand this as I too was not easily convinced at first. But very often, and as in my case, desperation overrides our doubts and the need to find relief for our suffering will lead us to try the remedies and see what happens. Once homeopathy has helped you with one ailment, you will want to put it to the test to see how else it can help, for both yourself and your loved ones. 

Herbal Oils

Law of Similars

Just like the law of gravity describes a constant relationship that is always found to be true, so too is the law of similars in medicine. When there are two similar diseases in the body, the stronger one will eradicate the weaker one. The homeopathic remedy works in cohesion with the bodies own immune system and is read as the stronger disease affliction. The remedy then runs out its course, thus bringing about cure. 


Law of Cure

"The highest ideal of cure is the rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health; that is, the lifting and annihilation of the disease in its entire extent in the shortest, most reliable, and least disadvantageous way, according to clearly realizable (in-seeable) principles” (Hahnemann). Cure will always occur from within moving outwards. 

Herbs and Minerals

Dilution and Succussion

"Substances of the mineral, plant and animal kingdom which in their crude form could invoke harmful symptoms, after dynamization through dilution and succussion, can act as an “artificial disease-affection (which) soon plays itself out, leaving the patient free and recuperated.”(Hahnemann). 


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